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21 Cash™ is an innovative and thrilling version of the popular "21" card game, combined with real cash prizes. Read More...
Jump into a world of pure excitement
and leave with your pockets filled with rewards!

After downloading the game for FREE, you can start playing regular or cash tournaments and win real money. Read More...

We've carefully designed the game to have a smooth and intuitive feel to it, and threw in some Blackjack and "2048" game elements we all love. Read More...

If you like Blackjack / 2048 / Twenty-One / Vingt-Un / Pontoon / Sliding tile Puzzle / 21 blitz – you'll LOVE 21 Cash™! Read More...

You'll be matched with other players within the same skill level, and get the exact same card deck as them – so the game is totally fair and skill-based.
Those who finish among the top 3 – WIN BIG!